Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Mornin', Good Mornin' to You

Can I be honest about something? Pinky-promise you won't judge me?

I love mornings. (GASP!) They are probably my favorite time of the day. Birds chirping, sun rising up, the day waking up, getting ready to go. I love it.

You know why else I love mornings?? BREAKFAST. How convenient is it, that my favorite meal of the day is served at my favorite time of the day?

Thursday mornings have become one of my favorites this semester. Every Thursday my roommates, a few friends and I wake up bright and early for prayer at 7:00a.m. We spend about 45 minutes, talking to the Big Guy, praying for each other, campus, the world, whatever is on our hearts that morning. For me, it really is a great way to start off the day ahead of me. After praying, we do what we always seem to do, EAT. I am in charge of what will be for breakfast that morning. We started off the semester doing pancakes, but one morning I switched things up.

We had these bad boys...

and they were a hit...

and became a favorite.

And they are super S-I-M-P-L-E to make. Canned biscuits+melted butter+cinnamon/sugar=pure breakfast bliss.

My mom used to make these for my siblings and I all the time when we were growing up, so I give her all the credit for these delicious, warm, cinnamony gifts from the heavens.

Carla's Cinnamon Biscuits with Frosting
1 can biscuits (flaky)
1/2 stick of melted butter
3/4 c. sugar (can also use brown sugar)
1-1 1/2 Tbsp. cinnamon
1 can white frosting

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix cinnamon and sugar. Dip biscuit in melted butter, covering whole biscuit. Then coat biscuit in cinnamon/sugar mixture, making sure to cover entire biscuit. Place biscuits in pie pan and cook for 17-20 minutes. Remove from oven and cover biscuits with frosting (for easier spreading, melt frosting in microwave for 30 seconds). Serve warm and enjoy! And I dare you, no, double-dog dare you to try and eat just one. Friends, it is impossible. ;)

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